You know that feeling when, pardon my language, but when S*#! hits the fan, and your first thought is, "Oh, I gotta call ______!"
What makes you decide to call that specific person? What is it about them that puts them top on your list?
If I had to make a wager, I bet it might be due to their listening skills. What makes a listener a good one? And, are there things you can try to be a better listener?
The short answer is YES!
If you have not already, please check out the amazing short animated video by Brene Brown on Empathy vs. Sympathy:
Empathy Vs. Sympathy Video Link
This short video describes the effects of being present with another person and actively listening to their struggle and being there with them to feel it as well, for example, "I don't know what to say, but I am here with you".
Sometimes our go-to conversation piece is advice giving, saying, "at least..." or other sympathy phrases that don't hear the struggle the person is going through.
Think back to your friend, you know, the one you would call if your walls were a mess. What would they say to you? Don't get me wrong, sometimes we are seeking advice and that's perfect. But sometimes we just wanna be heard, seen and listened to.
I hope this was informative and supportive for you. Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section!
Kind regards,